The importance of cybersecurity in MRO ERP systems

The importance of cybersecurity in MRO ERP systems

Imagine, what can happen when your MRO ERP system gets hacked or attacked! For most companies, the consequences would be quite devastating. An ERP system not only contains some important information such as order entries, stock levels, or customer data but also financial processes and operational processes that help to determine the overall success of the businesses.

Overall MRO ERP Systems in the aviation industry are the operating system of the company, without which it is next to impossible for companies to operate.

In recent times a lot of cyber-attacks have happened that have also impacted consumers. As per a recent survey done in the USA, supply chain attacks increased by 42 percent and have impacted over seven million people. Hence it is quite important to leverage the best cyber security practices to protect the ERP systems.

In this blog, we will discuss some of the ways that you can follow to make your ERP system secure and cyberattack resistant.

Tips to Follow to Make your ERP System Cyber Secure

A lot of best practices are there which are tried and tested to secure the software and systems from cyber-attacks. But the complexity of the ERP software for aviation industry requires companies to adjust these tips. Here are some of the common tips that aviation companies can follow.

Determine which information is quite important

Every business should have clear information on what is important and what is not. And based on that they can follow best practices to protect that information from any cyber-attacks. A few of the questions that one should answer are will the attack cause downtime in the system, and is there a workaround? Out of all the data collected customer data is quite critical that needs to be protected.

Design a proper roadmap to identify different interfaces of the software

You should have complete information about the complexity of the systems and their point of interconnection. Having a complete map of the ERP system would help you to know all the data flow that you can use to optimize your ERP system and also for different cybersecurity use cases.

Always monitor the data flows with the help of middleware

Companies should install a middleware and reroute all the data from that. This can enable the easy way to manage different data and its flow between the legacy environment and cloud ERP system. Having all the interfaces in one place along with the layer of middleware can help you to monitor the interface to see if it gets attacked or turned down.

Don’t use any vulnerable tools wherever possible

After you have middleware, you should start discovering the tools that are vulnerable and might impact your system. You should ensure that the data is not sent across vulnerable tools so that overall attack vectors are reduced.


In conclusion, by implementing cyber security practices you can ensure that your ERP software is less prone to cyber-attacks. To find more relevant articles, click here.